Our office has been heavily engaged in the Norwegian offhore industry since 1981. On average, between 1 and 2 persons have used 80 to 100% of their working time on offshore projects from then on and up till to-day. At times the whole office has been almost fully engaged with offshore projects. We have been engaged on both sides- working for oil companies and for the engineering companies working with design. To-day we have good experience in working from our office towards the offshore environments of the world,using modern technology of communication.
Draugen platform
Draugen field is an oil- and gas field on Haltenbanken, 150 km north of Kristiansund. The field has only one platform and Norske Shell is operator of the field. The production started in 1993 and Draugen became the first producing field north of Stadt.
Our office was engaged as Shell’s responsible architect for all topside personnel facilities during all phases of project from application for development to first oil. Engaged from 1987 to 1993. Living quarter with 130 beds in double cabins.
Statfjord field
The Statfjord field is Norway’s and the North Sea’s largest oilfield and it also produces natural gas. It has been in production since 1979 and has three fixed platforms, Statfjord A, – B and – C.
Our office was engaged by the main building contractor for design and procurement of building constructions, furniture and equipment in connection with a major revision of all three platforms in 2004/2005. Nearly 250 office workspaces were totally refurbished or built as new facilities, with all necessary social- and other support functions.
Ivar Aasen – Oil and gasplatform for the oil company «Det Norske» 2013-2015
Byggherres representant og ansvarlig arkitekt overfor totalentreprenørens prosjekteringsteam for topside områdene (London) og boligkvarteret (Stord). Kontoret utarbeidet interiørstudier og -forslag til løsninger i samarbeid med driftsavdelingen som ble implementert. Kontroll med innkjøpspakker for arkitekt- og byggfagene.
Construction representative and responsible architect working with contractor engineering team for topside areas (London) and living quarters (Stord). Our office prepared interior studies and proposals for solutions working closely with the operations department.